Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stock Show

To end our farm unit we visited the stock show.  The kids always enjoy seeing the animals.

Mrs. Williamson and her daughter, Emma.  Emma's rabbits won! 

Nathan was thrilled to stand by brother Ethan's rabbits.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HOORAY for 100!!!

Today was our 100th day of school!  We've been counting up to this from the first day of school and the kids were so excited to finally get here.  We did lots of fun activities including:
*making a 100's day crown
*grabbing a handful of pennies and seeing if it was 100
*estimating how long a line of linking cubes would be
*coloring names on a 100 square grid
*sorting and graphing Smarties
*guessing which of 3 containers had 100 items
*searching for 100 numbered Kisses hidden around the room and placing them on a 100 grid
*making a 100 day necklace

The 100 dollar bills I made for the kids.