Thursday, January 31, 2013

Excavating Chocolate Chips

This week we're talking about dinosaurs, so we practiced our excavating skills by carefully digging chocolate chips out of a cookie.  Some of them decided this is not the life for them!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hip, Hip Hooray for the 100th Day!

We've been adding a number to our 100s chart and counting every day and we finally made it to 100!

Graphing smarties since we are now 100 days smarter!

Cooper was sick and couldn't be there, but he bought all of the kids 100 days of school brag tags.  Thank you, Cooper!

Their name was written over and over on a hundred grid.  Each different letter in their name had to be a different color.

Our 100 day snack--10 pieces of 10 different items.

100 day crowns