I was putting the winners of brag tags for the 2nd Six Weeks and realized I never put them on from the 1st Six Weeks.
1st Six Weeks - Knew all letters: Aaron and Brynnon |
2nd Six Weeks - Knew all letters: Garrett and Ava |
2nd Six Weeks - Knew all letter sounds: Warren and Brynnon
(did not test this the 1st Six Weeks) |
1st Six Weeks - Knew birthday: Madi, Emiley, Cadence, Aaron, Brylan, Jaxon, Na'Liah |
2nd Six Weeks - Knew birthday: Brynnon |
1st Six Weeks - Counted to 100: Garrett, Aaron, Jaxon |
2nd Six Weeks - Counted to 100: James, Ava, Emiley, Brynnon |
1st Six Weeks - Knew all sight words: Aaron, Ava, Brynnon |
2nd Six Weeks - Knew all sight words: Garrett, Jaxon, Samuel, Brynnon |
1st Six Weeks - Perfect attendance:
back: Na'Liah, Payton, Joziah, Warren
front: Madi, Cadence, Ava, Braily, Brynnon, Samuel |
2nd Six Weeks - Perfect attendance: Ryan, Jaxon, Ava, Brynnon, Cadence, Garrett, Na'Liah |
1st Six Weeks - Good behavior:
back: Garrett, Braily, Aaron, Ava, Emiley, Jaxon
front: Madi, Warren, Payton |
2nd Six Weeks - Good behavior:
back: Garrett, Emiley, Ava, Aaron, James, Jaxon
front: Payton, Warren, Madi, Joziah |
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